The Leg
Boxing Open Hand
Los Angeles (US-16/26a)
Los Angeles (US-261/18a)
Tarts and Puffs Diptych, (from Cheap Thrills/Forbidden Pleasures)
Cassope, Greece
Altoon, Bell, Bengston, DeFeo, Irwin, Kauffman, etc. at the Ferus Gallery
Mel Ramos Opening Tues. Eve Oct. 12, 8-10 pm
VOULKOS October 16 through November 11, 1961
Mark Di Suvero - Opening Sept. 29, 8-10 p.m. - Dwan Gallery
Terry Allen Michael Walls Gallery
The Eternal Frame
Still Life with Eye
The Meadow Network #4
Untitled (From Art and Technology)
Herbert C. Legg Lake - Los Angeles 1979
Great Barrier Reef, Queensland, Australia
Iao Valley, Maui, Hawaii
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