by Artist (97)
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Showing 1 to 50 of 107 Records

Moon Shot

Arlo Acton Scupltor

Assemblage of wood, rubber, metal, and paint


Leo Amino Scupltor


Untitled (S.304)

Ruth Asawa Scupltor

Naturally oxidized copper and brass wire

Tilting Arc

George Baker Scupltor

Stainless steel

Untitled (Cross with Metal Shavings)

Russel Baldwin Artist

Painted glass with aluminum misile shavings

Zonk 1984

Fletcher Benton Scupltor

Plexiglass, steel, lights, and mechanical fittings

A Marine's Dream (Dear John)

Tony Berlant Artist

Metal, nails, wood, plastic, and photograph

God's Pinball Machine

John Bernhardt Artist

Assemblage of wood and found metal objects

Power Failure

Bruce Conner Artist

Assemblage on pressed board

Needle with Lace

William Nelson Copley Artist

Assemblage of paper plate, lace, and hypodermic needle in painted wood box with Plexiglas cover


Robert Cumming Scupltor

Wood, paper, wire, and pigment


Roy De Forest Artist

Wood, carpet, and oil paint


Tony DeLap Artist

Brass and wood

Pygmy Gamelan

Paul DeMarinis Artist

Electronics, plexiglass, and speaker

Fracking II

Jacci DenHartog Artist

Steel, aluminum mesh, aqua resin fiberglass, acrylic paint

Malcolm X

Doug Edge Artist

Lacquered wood box with velvet lining and cast resin


Seo Eo Ceramicist

Talc and nails on canvas

Instrument to be Played by the Movement of the Earth

Terry Fox Artist

Paper, steel, lead, electrical cord, copper wire, bell alarm, and paint

New Haven Bodhidharma Stone

Richard Francisco Artist

Assemblage of paint, graphite, ink, wood, string, cloth, and chalk


Viola Frey Ceramicist



Karoly Fulop Artist

Wood, pigment, and ivory inlay

Green China Wall

Charles Garabedian Artist

Wood, acrylic, and resin

Ruth Williams Resting

Paul Harris Scupltor

Wood, burlap, and cotton


Don Hazlitt Artist

Carboard, oil, and metal wires

Leather Wrapped Head

Mel Henderson Scupltor

Leather, wood, and nails

Pure XX

George Herms Artist

Assemblage of found objects

Night Watch

Robert Boardman Howard Scupltor

Wood, metal, gypsum, fiberglass, resin, and polychrome


David Ireland Artist

Painted wood and glass


Robert Irwin Artist

Acrylic on plastic


Jim Isermann Artist

Fabric on wood


Nancy Jackson Artist

Clay, plaster, wire, metal, gold leaf, beads, paper, rocks, lights, oil, and gouache

Will Meet

Martin Johnson Artist

Assemblage of wood, metal, glue, and paint

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Showing 1 to 50 of 107 Records

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