by Artist (99)
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Showing 13 to 24 of 109 Records

Power Failure

Bruce Conner Artist

Assemblage on pressed board

Needle with Lace

William Nelson Copley Artist

Assemblage of paper plate, lace, and hypodermic needle in painted wood box with Plexiglas cover


Robert Cumming Scupltor

Wood, paper, wire, and pigment


Roy De Forest Artist

Wood, carpet, and oil paint


Tony DeLap Artist

Brass and wood

Pygmy Gamelan

Paul DeMarinis Artist

Electronics, plexiglass, and speaker

Fracking II

Jacci DenHartog Artist

Steel, aluminum mesh, aqua resin fiberglass, acrylic paint

Malcolm X

Doug Edge Artist

Lacquered wood box with velvet lining and cast resin

Your current search criteria is: Portfolio is "Sculptures".

Showing 13 to 24 of 109 Records

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