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Dan Allison

American, b. 1953

Ju Ju Buanna
Circa 1980s

30.125 x 34.125 in.
Museum Purchase with the Charter Member Endowment Fund

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This object has the following keywords:
  • checker pattern - A bold geometric pattern of regularly placed alternating squares or lozenges of contrasting colors or textures.
  • confetti - Small pieces of paper, usually multicolored and sometimes cut in various shapes, ceremonially thrown at various events, such as weddings or parades.
  • creatures - Living or animate beings, including animals or people that are fantastic or of anomalous or uncertain aspect or nature.
  • dance
  • high heel
  • legs
  • Rose - Sources:
    - Koaḥ ha-maʻarav, 2013:

Your current search criteria is: Keyword is "KV".

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