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b. 1946
Luna Park
Assemblage of found wood and metal objects with framed print
52.5 x 30.25 x 10.5 in.
Gift of the Kathryn C. Wanlass Foundation
The title of this sculpture instantly conjures in the mind’s eye visions of the famous amusement park at Coney Island. But the work itself contains no obvious reference to the historic park, with its enticing gates of pinwheels and crescent moons, its roaring Cyclone roller coaster, and the gaiety of a summer day on the boardwalk. It is instead a dystopian counterpoint, a backstage fragment of the park, with the machinery, wheels, pulleys, and devices that activate the public “fun” side. The block-letter A might be all that is left of LUNA from the park gate’s bold signage, or perhaps it is just a spare.
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