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Sheila Pinkel

American, b. 1941

X-Ray 6 Light Bulb
1978-1982 (printed 2016)

Inkjet print of scanned Xeroradiograph
19 x 14 in. (48.26 x 35.56 cm)
Gift of the artist and The Museum Project

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This object has the following keywords:
  • blue
  • light bulbs - Bulb-shaped dilatations of glass tubes used as the container of an incandescent filament or fourescent light, typically placed in a fixture or lamp that is connected to electricity.
  • x-radiography - Radiography using x-rays. In this process, the object to be recorded is placed between an x-ray tube and the film; the film registers the differential absorption of the x rays by the object’s internal structure as a projection shadowgraph. Among the many uses are for medical purposes and as an examination technique for easel paintings, for examining the substrate structure.

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