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Edward Weston


Wall Scrawls

Gelatin silver print
14 x 16 in.
Gift of the Dick and Timmy Burton Foundation

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This object has the following keywords:
  • graffiti - Casual scribbles or informal drawings on walls or other surfaces. Examples include the following: The casual scribbles or pictographs on walls, stones, or other surfaces in ancient and medieval times, the marks incised or cut into the underside of ancient Greek vases and other ceramics, and modern humorous, satiric, obscene, or gang-related writings or drawings executed anonymously in public places. For more finished, elaborate works on modern walls and other surfaces, prefer "graffiti art." Graffiti is not the works created by "sgraffito," in that sgraffito is not casual, but is instead a formal decorative mark-making technique used on pottery, glass, or other surfaces.
  • photographs
  • wall

Your current search criteria is: Keyword is "BFC" and [Objects]Artist is "Edward Weston".

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