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Bonnie Schiffman

American, b. 1941

Muhammad Ali
1982 (printed 2016)

Pigment print
22 x 17 in. (55.88 x 43.18 cm)
Gift of the artist and The Museum Project

Click a term to view the records with the same keyword
This object has the following keywords:
  • Ali, Muhammad, 1942-2016 - Sources:
    - His I am the greatest! [Phonodisc] 1963.
    - Kaletsky, R. Ali and me, c1982 (a.e.)
    - Wikipedia, Oct. 14, 2011
    - New York times WWW site, viewed June 6, 2016
    - WWW site, viewed June 6, 2016
    - The religion and political views of Muhammad Ali, via The hollowverse website, viewed June 24, 2017
    - Muhammad Ali's religion: 5 fast facts you need to know, posted June 5, 2016 on Heavy website, viewed June 24, 2017
  • black-and-white photographs - Refers to a broad class of photographs having images in gray tones, black, and white, and sometimes one hue (which can result from chemical processes used, including toning, or from aging).
  • hands
  • portrait

Exhibition List
This object was included in the following exhibitions:

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