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Eric Stotik

American, b. 1963


Acrylic on wood panel
25.375 x 21.625 x 4.125 in.
Gift of the Marie Eccles Caine Foundation

Click a term to view the records with the same keyword
This object has the following keywords:
  • baskets - Containers made of twigs, rushes, thin strips of wood, or other flexible material woven together.
  • Birds - Sources:
    - Random House:
    - The American Heritage dict. of the Engl. lang., via WWW, Aug. 31, 2001
    - LC database, Aug. 31, 2001
    - Wŏnsaek togam Hanʼguk ŭi sae, 1992:
    - Burung, 2006-:
  • Building - Sources:
    - Work cat.: McCuen, T. Investigating the predictors of spatial skills essential for construction science student success in the digital age, 2015 [thesis]:
    - LCCN 2015206162, Construction science:
    - Google search, Mar. 25, 2016:
  • chairs
  • child
  • green
  • nude
  • people
  • shirt
  • Trees
  • wolves - General term applied to members of various large, wild species of Canis, particularly those of North America and Eurasia that hunt in packs.

Exhibition List
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