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Frank Aguilar



Ink on cotton
21.125 x 21.125 x 0.75 in.
Gift of the Kathryn C. Wanlass Foundation

Click a term to view the records with the same keyword
This object has the following keywords:
  • Arts in prisons - Sources:
    - Work cat.: Arts in prisons, 1983.
    - Hennepin
  • Birds - Sources:
    - Random House:
    - The American Heritage dict. of the Engl. lang., via WWW, Aug. 31, 2001
    - LC database, Aug. 31, 2001
    - Wŏnsaek togam Hanʼguk ŭi sae, 1992:
    - Burung, 2006-:
  • chain link fences - Fences made of heavy steel wire which is interwoven in such a way as to provide a continuous mesh without ties or knots, except at the ends.
  • Masks
  • men
  • Pocket watches
  • Prisoners - Sources:
    - LC database, Jan. 24, 1997
    - Nat. crim. jus. thes.
  • Prisons
  • Rose - Sources:
    - Koaḥ ha-maʻarav, 2013:
  • Sunglasses - Sources:
    - Web. 3
    - Random House
    - Hennepin
    - MESH
  • tattoos - Permanent marks or designs on the skin made by puncturing and inserting pigments. Practiced in ancient times until the present day worldwide and popularized in European and non-indigenous American culture since the 18th century by seamen returning from Polynesia. Motives for tattooing vary by culture. Tattoos may be purely decorative, may indicate rank in social structures, or be applied for spiritual reasons.
  • Watchtowers - Sources:
    - Work cat.: 00331315: Kleinmannis, J. Schau ins Land : Aussichtstürme, c1999.
    - AAT.
    - ArtAbstracts.
    - Web. 3.
  • women

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