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Hilda Deutsch Morris


Autumn Man

Cement, wire, paint, and wood
21 x 16.625 x 7.375 in.
Gift of the Marie Eccles Caine Foundation

Hilda Deutsch Morris was a painter and sculptor in the Pacific Northwest who worked mostly in bronze on a monumental scale. Autumn Man incorporates a range of raw materials to create a fluidity of movement in an abstract form. Morris dedicated her entire artistic career to exploring a material’s potential through abstract, rhythmic, organic forms, which set her apart within the realm of abstract sculpture.

Born and raised in New York, Morris studied at the Arts Student League of New York where she was exposed to sculptors’ Constantin Brancusi and Reuben Nakian, whose distinguishable metaphysical and graceful figurations influenced her. She moved to Washington State in 1938 to establish a sculpture program at the Spokane Art Center. While at the center, Morris interacted with many artists and painters, including Carl Morris, whom she married in 1940. Both artists befriended Mark Tobey, founder of the Northwest School, which brought attention to the region as a hub for progressive contemporary artists.

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