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Warrington Colescott


The Future: On the Line

soft ground, color
26 x 32.25 in.
Museum Purchase with the Charter Member Endowment Fund

Click a term to view the records with the same keyword
This object has the following keywords:
  • Mechanics - Sources:
    - 94-43965: Knudsen, J.M. Elements of Newtonian mechanics, c1995
    - Britannica Micro.:
    - McGraw-Hill dict. sci. tech.:
  • people
  • Pollution - Sources:
    - Work cat.: 2016414061: ¿Cómo gobernar la contaminación en México?, 2015
    - Handbook of pollution control and waste minimization, ©2002.
    - Rock, M.T. Pollution control in East Asia, ©2002.
  • robots - Machines capable of automatically carrying out a complex series of movements, especially one that is programmable. In historical usage, as depicted in science fiction, inspired by the mass-produced workers in a play by Karel Čapek, robots were intelligent artificial beings typically made of metal and resembling in some way a human or other animal.

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