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Judy Chicago

American, b. 1939

Study for "Reincarnation Triptych," from the series "Great Ladies"

Graphite and pastel on paper
31.875 x 31.875 x 1.5 in.
Museum Purchase with the Dorothy Wanlass Endowment Fund

Chicago’s work is notable for its use of a variety of media and methods. Though her early art consisted of minimalist paintings, Chicago’s style quickly transformed to include a variety of paintings, tapestries, sculpture, pyrotechnics, ice sculpture, and other mixed-media. She also took classes on auto body work and boat building, and became adept at working with spray paint, metals, and wood. Chicago’s work also includes needlework and embroidery, traditionally “feminine” crafts that she worked to transform into fine arts. Chicago was interested in creating works that celebrated unique female experiences, and she specifically experimented with birth and creation imagery that examined the role of women in history, culture, and society. Chicago views the visual arts as a key vehicle for intellectual transformation and social change. She values art that is based on research, rooted in personal experience, and which communicates social, cultural, or political messages.

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