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Robert Bechtle

American, b. 1932

Sterling Avenue, Alameda I

Charcoal on paper
23.125 x 28.375 x 0.875 in.
Gift of the Marie Eccles Caine Foundation

Click a term to view the records with the same keyword
This object has the following keywords:
  • California
  • car
  • house
  • power lines - Wires used for transmitting a supply of electrical energy to buildings.
  • Shrubs - Sources:
    - 2012505470: Correa A., M.D. Árboles y arbustos del Parque Natural Metropolitano, Panamá, 2010.
    - Merriam-Webster unabridged, via WWW, Mar. 28, 2013
  • sidewalk
  • streets
  • traffic signs - Signs giving directions, warnings, or other information pertinent for vehicles or pedestrians.
  • trees - Woody, perennial plants usually with a single, long, self-supporting stem or trunk, and which grow to a considerable height.

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