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Roy E. Purcell

American, b. 1936

On the Wells Fargo Stage
circa 1950

23.875 x 13.75 x 1.25 in.
Gift of Lyman Willardson

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This object has the following keywords:
  • carriage
  • clouds
  • desert
  • horse
  • landscape
  • men
  • mountains
  • poetry - Literary and oral genre rooted in the compressed and cogent imaginative awareness or associations of experiences, ideas, or emotional responses and arranged under an organized criterion of meaning, conscious and unconscious expression, symbolism, formal or informal pattern, sound, and rhythm. The genre encompasses narrative, dramatic, satiric, didactic, erotic, and personal forms.
  • prose poems - Literary works in prose, but having the concentrated rhythmic, figurative, sonorous language characteristic of poetry, written as a continuous sequence of sentences without line breaks.

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