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Lee Middleman

American, b. 1944

Sunflower - Desert Series

7 x 10.25 x 10.25 in.
GIft of the artist

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This object has the following keywords:
  • curves - Lines having a locus that may be conceived to be traced by a moving point, the direction of motion continuously changing or deviating from a straight line. A closed curve is a path that repeats itself, and thus encloses one or more regions; simple examples include circles, ellipses, and polygons. Open curves such as parabolas, hyperbolas, and spirals have infinite length.
  • diagonal - Inclined obliquely from a reference line, like a straight line joining the two opposite corners of a rectangle.
  • jars - Deep, wide-mouthed vessels used for holding a variety of substances, usually without handles and generally cylindrical, although sometimes made in other shapes. For narrower-necked vessles, use "bottles."
  • rectangles
  • symmetrical
  • texture

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