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Darlene Nampeyo

Native American, b. 1956


7.375 x 6 x 5.75 in.
Gift of the Nora Eccles Treadwell Foundation

Darlene Nampeyo is a member of the Corn Clan and the great-great-granddaughter of the seminal Hopi-Tewa potter Nampeyo of Hano, the renowned revivalist of Hopi-Tewa ceramics.

Though Jar continues the traditions of her family of Hopi-Tewa potters, the simple geometric design of black and red on yellow contains far more negative space than is typical in her family. Nampeyo draws inspiration from landscapes, songs, dances, and prayers, seeing her artistic expression as a crucial aspect of keeping traditional Hopi culture alive. Like her family, she works with the Rocky Mountain beeweed plant and ground red hematite to achieve the colors of her vessels.

Matthew Limb

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