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18.5 x 17.25 in. (46.99 x 43.815 cm)
Museum Permanent Collection

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This object has the following keywords:
  • knights - Men typically of noble birth, who, under European feudalism, held their rank, privileges, and landed estates from higher ranking individuals, in return for service as armed and mounted warriors or for providing another to fulfill this service in their stead. Use also for those who receive the title as a mark of honor and social distinction.
  • prints - Pictorial works produced by transferring images by means of a matrix such as a plate, block, or screen, using any of various printing processes. When emphasizing the individual printed image, use "impressions." Avoid the controversial expression "original prints," except in reference to discussions of the expression's use. If prints are neither "reproductive prints" nor "popular prints," use the simple term "prints." With regard to photographs, prefer "photographic prints"; for types of reproductions of technical drawings and documents, see terms found under "reprographic copies."
  • soldiers - Generally refers to those belonging to an army, whether that of a sovereign state, a faction or division within a sovereign state, or of an individual leader. Specifically refers to military personnel of enlisted rank, as distinguished from commissioned officers. For those trained for or engaged in the physical combat of warfare and sanctioned in that function by the society or group for which they fight, irrespective of actual membership in an army, see "warriors."
  • warriors - Those trained for or engaged in the physical combat of warfare, especially close hand-to-hand combat, and designated for or sanctioned in that function by the society or group for which they fight, irrespective of membership in an army. Includes men of the warrior age grade in certain pre-literate societies, as for instance, among some East African pastoral societies. For members of an army, whether directly involved in combat or in other duties, use "soldiers."

Exhibition List
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