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Richards Ruben


# 465

20.5 x 30 in. (52.07 x 76.2 cm)
Gift of 871 Fine Arts Gallery

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This object has the following keywords:
  • abstract - Genre of visual arts in which figurative subjects or other forms are simplified or changed in their representation so that they do not portray a recognizable person, object, thing, etc.; may reference an idea, quality, or state rather than a concrete object. For the process of formulating general concepts by abstracting common properties of instances, prefer "abstraction." For 20th-century art styles that were a reaction against the traditional European conception of art as the imitation of nature, use "Abstract (fine arts style)."
  • branches - Portions or limbs of trees or other plants that grow out of the stem or trunk, or out of one of the boughs.
  • dark green - UCL (Universal Color Language) standard color name identifying a range of green colors.
  • light green - UCL (Universal Color Language) standard color name identifying a range of green colors.
  • lithographs - Prints made using the process of lithography, which is a planographic printing process in which a design is deposited on the stone or plate with a greasy substance which will accept ink.
  • Plants - Sources:
    - Encarta world Eng. dict.
    - Amer. Herit. dict. of the Engl. lang., c2000
    - Dunster, J.A. Dict. of natural resource management, c1996
    - USGS Biocomplexity Thesaurus, Feb. 1, 2015

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