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Kenda North

American, b. 1951


Pigment print, printed 2016
17 x 22 in. (43.18 x 55.88 cm)
Gift of the artist and The Museum Project

Kenda North’s underwater photograph Bliss expresses a sense of a different state of existence. As she puts it, “ this state of being submerged, we are brought to a place of sensory awareness and uncertain reality.”

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This object has the following keywords:
  • blue
  • hands
  • Ripples
  • underwater photography - Refers to the activity of taking photographs while below the surface of water, often occuring in tandem with activities such as scuba diving, snorkeling, swimming, or from a submersible or remotely operated underwater vehicle. Either waterproof cameras or dry work cameras stored in waterproof housings are used to produce underwater photography.

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