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Jean Lowe

American, b. 1960

Empire Style: Gold Side Chairs
2003, 2021

Enamel on papier mache, cloth
31.375 x 26.5 x 25 in.
Gift of the Kathryn C. Wanlass Foundation

Click a term to view the records with the same keyword
This object has the following keywords:
  • Decoration and ornament--Empire style - Sources:
    - Art & architecture thesaurus, June 15, 2005
  • derivative objects - Objects that are based on or signifiantly borrow from other existing objects, rather than being original creations.
  • filigree - Pattern having the appearance of fine lines. An example is decoration done entirely of fine wire, chiefly to ornament gold and silver, or as openwork made of wire.
  • gold
  • Papier-mâché sculpture - Sources:
    - Work cat.: 2002424731: Splendore dell'arte della cartapesta ... c2001.
  • side chairs - Term generally applied to a wide range of chairs without arms to distinguish them from armchairs.

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