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Alan Hashimoto


Chains of Knowledge

Acrylic on paper
29.125 x 18.25 x 0.75 in.
Gift of the artist

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This object has the following keywords:
  • blue
  • eyes
  • labyrinths - Motifs depicting on a flat surface a path that twists around itself but never crosses itself, usually leading from an outer edge to the center. Common in Roman mosaics and inlaid in Medieval church pavements.
  • red
  • Satellites - Sources:
    - NASA
    - Hennepin
  • Space - Sources:
    - Work cat.: 2005464549: Burstein, D. ha-Merḥav ba-prozah shel Yaʻaḳov Shabtai, 2002.
  • stars - Massive self-luminous celestial bodies of gas that shine by radiation derived from internal energy sources. There are tens of billions of trillions of stars composing the visible universe.
  • yellow

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