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Louis Reilly



10 x 8 x 8 in.
Gift of the Nora Eccles Treadwell Foundation

In essence, Reilly’s work distills the aesthetics of historical potters, incorporating both useful “everyday” pots and those that simply enhance a space. Though attentive to the range of world ceramics, he has a particular interest in pots made in Japan and England. He soda fires without exterior applied slips or glazes and uses high-alumina clay bodies to achieve the variations of hue, sheen, and texture seen in Basket.

Born in St. Louis, Missouri, Reilly earned a BFA in 2009 at the University of Missouri–Columbia in ceramics and sculpture, and an MFA at Utah State University in 2013. After a short time in central Pennsylvania, he settled with his family in Kansas City, where he is director of the KC Clay Guild (a nonprofit ceramic arts center in Kansas City, Missouri). He commutes to Atchison to teach in the art department at Benedictine College. Reilly has a home studio and fires his work in a downdraft soda kiln. He maintains a steady studio practice, regularly teaches workshops at KCCG, and exhibits his work internationally.

Billie Sessions, PhD.

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