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Michael Brewster


Long Narrow Spaces

Mixed media
30.25 x 30.25 x 0.75 in.
Gift of the Kathryn C. Wanlass Foundation

Click a term to view the records with the same keyword
This object has the following keywords:
  • drawing
  • ephemera - Items created, manufactured, or used for a specific, limited use; typically intended to be used for a short period and discarded thereafter, although ephemera is often actually collected.
  • Equations
  • installation
  • interactive art - Describes works that depend upon the interaction of the viewer for complete expression. This term has often referred to works in which computers or other technology have a role. For works that may incorporate elements of space or time, but that do not require the participation of the viewer, use "generative art."
  • photographs
  • schematic

Your current search criteria is: Keyword is "DDM".

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