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Grafton Tyler Brown


Residence, Ranch, Dairy, V. Guerrero, Half Moon Bay
circa 1877

Hand-tinted lithograph on paper
18.75 x 32.75 x 1.25 in.
Gift of the Kathryn C. Wanlass Foundation

Residence Ranch, Dairy, V. Guerrero, Half Moon Bay depicts property that was most likely part of Francisco’s original Mexican land grant, and it is a rare documentation of a rancho once owned by a Mexican American family before they were pushed out of their holdings due to racial biases practiced in California in the 20th century.

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  • Agriculture
  • farm
  • hills
  • horse
  • landscape
  • landscapes - Broadly used to describe portions of the earth's surface that share common repeating characteristics that can be comprehended at a glance. Landscapes are more than scenery or political units; they are systems of natural and cultural contexts. If possible use a more specific term.
  • ranch

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