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Avard Fairbanks


The Victorious American Doughboy


Gift of the Avard T. Fairbanks Foundation

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This object has the following keywords:
  • backpack
  • bayonets - Edged steel weapons resembling daggers or short swords, designed to be attached to the muzzle end of a firearm barrel.
  • cartridge belts - Belts having loops or pockets used to carry ammunition and sometimes other equipment.
  • First World War
  • gas masks - Masks worn over the face to protect against inhalation of poisonous fumes.
  • military helmets
  • Rifles, Bolt action
  • sculpture
  • soldiers - Generally refers to those belonging to an army, whether that of a sovereign state, a faction or division within a sovereign state, or of an individual leader. Specifically refers to military personnel of enlisted rank, as distinguished from commissioned officers. For those trained for or engaged in the physical combat of warfare and sanctioned in that function by the society or group for which they fight, irrespective of actual membership in an army, see "warriors."

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