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Constance Mallinson

American, b. 1948

For All and For None

Acrylic on canvas
77.5 x 112.75 x 1.875 in.
Gift of Dorothy Nelson in memory of her husband L. Clair and Museum Purcahse with the Charter Member Endowment Fund

Constance Mallinson’s For All and For None is both a critique of the advertising that compelled Westward expansion and at the same time, as she wrote, “an homage and a love affair with these brilliant artists—Church, Cole and Bierstadt—these are artists I love and their work has been a deep inspiration and influence on my painting.” Borrowing its title from Nietzsche who was constantly deconstructing the western canon of literature and philosophy, the painting is composed of appropriations of diverse mass media/photographic landscape imagery. Collaging these idealized and picturesque images of nature into multiple perspectives rather than a singular one, likewise “deconstructs” the typical traditional scenic landscape.

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