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Patricia Forsberg

American, b. 1944

I Parked My Pink Car in Front of the Bison Bar

Watercolor, acrylic, and enamel on paper
36.125 x 43 x 0.75 in.
Gift of The Phillips Collection

Click a term to view the records with the same keyword
This object has the following keywords:
  • bars - Structures with barriers or counters over which drink or food is served. These may be located in inns, hotels, taverns, railway-stations, or other structures and may refer not only to the counter space itself, but the entire space containing it.
  • Bison - Sources:
    - Web. 3
    - McKenna, M.C. Classification of mammals above the species level, 1997:
    - Mammal species of the world via WWW, Oct. 3, 2002
    - ITIS, Oct. 3, 2002
  • blue
  • car
  • city
  • drinking glasses - Vessels intended for an individual to use for drinking wine, water, or other beverage.
  • green
  • Montana - Sources:
    - Source:
  • Moon
  • Neon signs - Sources:
    - Work cat.: 94-227827: Swinnich, R. Contemporary beer neon signs, c1994.
    - Random House:
    - Web. 3:
    - LC database, 12/1/94
  • pink
  • purple
  • silver
  • traffic signs - Signs giving directions, warnings, or other information pertinent for vehicles or pedestrians.
  • Vehicles
  • woman

Your current search criteria is: Keyword is "ES".

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