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David Dyche

American, b. 1955

Figure #3

34 x 27 x 14 in. (86.36 x 68.58 x 35.56 cm)
Gift of the artist

In Figure #3, a slab-built stoneware sculpture, David Dyche added pieces around the perimeter of a cylinder, creating a stratification of folded and twisted layers of ceramic covered on the surface by large, flat rectangular sections. A sculpted face with closed eyes, with some parts intentionally damaged, emerges from the center of this work, suggesting a person imprisoned inside a contorted body of clay, or a statue found under ancient ruins.

Dyche was born in 1955 and studied at the University of Iowa, where he earned an MFA degree. He obtained a Fulbright fellowship for carrying on his research in Korea. From 1989 to 1992 he was the ceramics studio coordinator at Utah State University in the department of art and design.

Sara Eco Conti, PhD.

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