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Frank Edward Ackerman


Bodie Glass
Date unknown

Watercolor on paper
30 x 36.125 in.
Museum Permanent Collection

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This object has the following keywords:
  • barns - Agricultural buildings with large, usually sliding doors, prominent roofs, and predominantly open spaces on the interior, primarily used as storage buildings for hay, grains, and farm equipment and shelters for livestock; does not include those structures, often termed barns, used for the processing of food and other agricultural produce, such as hop barns and tobacco barns.
  • bottles
  • bowls
  • hills
  • house
  • jars - Deep, wide-mouthed vessels used for holding a variety of substances, usually without handles and generally cylindrical, although sometimes made in other shapes. For narrower-necked vessles, use "bottles."
  • picket fences - Fences formed of a series of vertical posts, stakes, or rods, sometimes sharpened at the upper end, which are joined together by horizontal rails.
  • windows

Your current search criteria is: Keyword is "BWR".

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